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Re: Windows = command

Hi John,

I confirm this is a problem that only occurs when FRAME is OFF. I have fixed this in the latest build (build 2016.10.22), so please try the latest build. I have not yet able to reproduce the "anomalies" in the full-screen display though.

Also, the WINDOW config option can now be changed on the fly with the SETCFG command too, e.g.


Hope this will be useful.


On Saturday, October 22, 2016 9:36 AM, John Paines wrote:

Yesterday, the command

WINDOW = 25,750:10

placed a small window in the upper right corner of the display.  Today, no matter what values I use for either window size or positional location, the window remains in the center of the screen.  Any obvious explanation?

As a side note, I found that some WINDOW = values introduce anomalies in the full-screen display, resulting in text which has the appearance of a higher lins= setting.  On my system, window=35 produces this effect.