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Re: Interrim XYENC/XYDEC v0.95 release

Reply to Harry Binswanger :

> Great! I installed the U2 frames and the .INF info--which was very clear.
> Then I tested everything--works as advertised.

Glad to hear it.

> Playing with XYTOG is especially fun.

Isn't it? The toggle is even smoother if you insert a func DX right after "TF ",
near the beginning of the frame.

> And check out the enclosed screenshot for how things look
> in TAME-XY, which shows bold and italics.

Good illustration of what XYFMT does. (Click on the "magnify" button, if
present, to enlarge the image to full resolution.) I still need to do more
tweaking, e.g., to get the ";*;" comment symbols to line up correctly.

> I had trouble figuring out how to get an 08 in a file to test out XYRUN50.
> I first thought I could use COPY CON TEST and ctrl-alt 8, but that was a no
> go. Finally, I had to use DEBUG,

Much easier to do PUTCHAR 8d,1. (Position the cursor, first.)

> But then XYRUN50 found it. Good work!

The really good work is all Wally's. XYENC and XYDEC are *such* a pleasure to use.

Carl Distefano