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Re: CLIP's test of virtue -- and memory immunization ?

At 12/10/2004 03:13 AM -0500, Robert Holmgren wrote:
** Reply to message from Si Wright  on Thu, 9 Dec 2004
18:50:55 -0800 (PST)

I'd like to get to the bottom of this, but frankly, I'm stumped. Has *anybody*
else seen this? System crashes using CLIP?
Yes, but just once, and, as I recall, I had a number of programs open. I
got the *be patient message* Xy froze, ctl-al-del did nothing and I had to
shut the machine down and reboot. But I have never experience that again or
any other problems with CLIP. And I don't think I could reproduce it if I
wanted to, so I'm not sure this anecdote has any value.

Michael Norman
W98SE 340 RAM on a 333 machine using RH suggested mem settings in PIF