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OK, here goes. Because of the long absence of any word from us I'm sure
there will be quite a bit of activity in response to this post, but I
can take it.

Our current plan is to have the SmartWords beta disk available for
shipment the week of November 8. Sometime in the next week or so we'll
put an order form on our web page, and I'll let you know when that's
there. The cost will be $15 with 1 word processing filter, and $49 with
the whole package. Also included (which you don't have to run) will be
a SmartWords application for drafting of a couple of documents used in
relation to Intellectual Property-- probably a non-disclosure agreement
and maybe a simple employment agreement. This application is designed
to show what SmartWords really does, and if anyone is interested in
using it to develop other products we are happy to discuss it with you.
The engine produces applications that can be run on a desktop Windows
environment, or over the Web.

In response to some questions I have been asked, the SmartWords editor
is functionally very similar to the Nota Bene product, although Nota
Bene has done more with the interface as it relates to certain
functions. From the commmand line, however, they are more or less the
same. I am not in a position at this time to comment on our future
plans for this product, but you are welcome to use it if you so desire.

We also would hope to enable downloading of the install from our Web
site later in the month, and that will be free for the $15 CD product.
The full filter version will still be $49.

You may ask why we haven't said more about this over the last several
months, and that is a fair question. Primarily it has been because I
was not happy that we had not been able to pull this together for you,
and didn't want to make any further promises we wouldn't keep. We had
other pressing priorities that had to be dealt with first, and weren't
in a position to devote the bandwidth to getting this done properly
before then.

This is not a money-maker for us, so you won't hurt our feelings if you
don't want to try it. But we are happy to make this available to you if
you are interested.

Sorry for the delay.
