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Re: Reverse-order printing [Was: Printers/XyWrite 3+/OS2 v

Most of the non-exotic bugs have been worked out by v. 4.017, although
if you want to chain-print 300 pages or run files over 4MB you are
likely to be in trouble.

As for conversion, it all depends on whether you like to work under
the hood. If not, all you have to do is learn the new commands. You
can convert all of your text files in succession with a series of
replace operations. I did it in a couple of hours, but I had fewer
files then. It will take a couple of weeks' experience to know what
changes you need to make.

If you are used to tinkering, you can remake the keyboard so it works
much like the old one, except that many custom commands are no longer
needed, and you may want to reinstate a few old features you liked.
The main expenditure of effort is in converting macros. Most of my
couple of dozen were simple enough that few changes were needed, and
most of those were routine (e.g., needing to turn error messages off
with ES 1 to prevent stopping the macro if a search fails). On the
other hand, converting has been a major problem for people with big
libraries of complex macros.

Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-3325