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Re: Autoexec.nt commands

Poppycock! They all work; some of them (FOR..IN..DO, SET, others) have "extensions" that make them significantly more powerful than they were under DOS. Here's a list of commands: http://www.ss64.com/nt/
Looks great, but how do you run them? I tried CHOICE in a .BAT file under 4DOS and under CMD.EXE, neither recognized it. In fact, CMD.EXE reported: "'choice' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." Doesn't run at a "Command prompt" either, though the page heading is: "An A-Z Index of the Windows NT/XP command line." By the bye, Carl, while I have your attention, any recommendation of the best-performance setting for Control Panel/System/Advanced/Performance/Advanced Memory Usage as between Programs and System Cache? I had checked System Cache, but Googling it I found one guy suggesting Programs. Thanks, Harry Harry Binswanger hb@xxxxxxxx