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Hello Jordan,

Postscript can be a tricky to set up at the Xy level, but once we have a
PCL solution that produces a Postscript lookalike PCL code that can be
converted automatically to Postscript and PDFs by the GhostPCL driver,
we have a working solution. So I think this is the easier way to proceed!

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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21.8.2016, 19:55, J R FOX wrote:
This will be critical to the office setup, where I would need to make printing work with Xy3 -- and this effectively shuts the door on a Postscript-based solution. So, that means I would be stuck with Dosprinter . . . which is used with the "original", non-LFN vDoS, and one of the two LFN branches. (But not both of them ?) Jordan