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Re: Is VB going to be important?

>Image Pro package. I am beginning to learn it, and see enormous power in its
>approaches to automating applications and inter-application communication.

  Well, VisRexx does a much better job of that than VB does, but I don't
want to do web authoring in VisRexx either. And it seems a bit senseless to
waste a lot of time learning one language (VB) to program in your word
processor to use while programming in another language (HTML, CGI, and
Java/Javascript/perl, whatever). Besides just simply adding to the confusion
and mental clutter.

>Can PERL or JAVA do that? If so, please provide me more information about

  Do you know of anyone doing web stuff in VB? Professionally, I mean? And
perl and java seem to be capable of just about anything. Java even
apparantly capable of creating artificial life forms.

Harmon Seaver

"Some mon just deal wit' information. An' some mon, him deal wit' the
concept of truth. An' den some mon deal wit' magic. Information flow aroun'
ya, an' truth flow right at ya. But magic, it flow t'rough ya."
     -- Nernelly, A Jamaican "Bush Doctor," 1982

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available to Microsoft for US$1,000 per instance, or local equivalent.