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Re: Fwd: Xy4/DOS quirk?

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Mon, 05 Jun 2000 09:08:01 +0900

> I only wish it were so. I have been having the same problem for ages,
> and all relevant entries in my keyboard file *have had the NI for
> ages*. For example, the entry in the ALT table reads
> 75=NI,EL
> yet, when I hit Alt+left cursor, a diamond gets inserted.

Have you tried systematically renaming the ALT table in your KBD file to ALLT or
HALT or something that OSes don't recognize? I've done that with all the
red-button names (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT), have done so for years, and have no problems
under any OS. (We do seem to be going over very old ground here; I recall many
lengthy discussions dating back to Henry Kisor's Word Processing BBS, with the
same prescription, and generally satisfactory results. The only real problem
with it is that the CTRL-PGDN lookup in the Microlytics thesaurus doesn't work.)

Robert Holmgren