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Re: USB printing ??? & DOS2USB pgm

At 07:23 AM 4/9/2007, Wolfgang Bechstein wrote:
Harry Binswanger  wrote:

> Yes, the full millions-of-color palette that regular Windows has.

Thanks for the info. I have now installed Tame version 5.1 pre7 (which
I'm told works best with Xy), and have verified that Tame indeed allows
quick and easy color changes as you say. So far, so good. Plus, the fact
that one can simply drag the frame to change the size of the DOS-Box
window and have the font size grow or shrink accordingly is also _very_
nice. But but but... the problem that I had on my first attempt is still
there, namely the fact that with Tame loaded the cursor movement speed
and the repeat rate of _all_ keys in Xy slows down to an absolutely
unusable, like totally molasses level:
Take the attached file and copy it over the file of the same name in
\Program Files\Tame 5.1.\Settings.

Michael Norman 
; Special Options
; Tame v5.0 - Settings file use XYWrite editor

; Special Options

;; Drop file - Run a PGM, otherwise edit it
;; /MacroDef OnDropFile="PGM" Options=(/SendInput bios f5 textexpand="run
%TameDropDosPath%" ENTER f5 )
;; /MacroDef OnDropFile="*"  Options=(/SendInput bios f5 textexpand="call
%TameDropDosPath%" ENTER f5 )

;; Paste - edit the pasted text
/MacroDef OnAppCmd=Paste Option=(/SendInput F5 t="call %TameFilePaste%" enter F5 escape)

; Allow entry and display of the euro symbol

;* /CharDisplay Match=#FF DisplayUnicode=#20AC
;* /MacroDef OnAppCmd  = "MediaStop"    Options=(/SendInput UCHAR=#20AC)  ; Send a
'EURO' symbol when that key is pressed

/System UseHardwareCursor=t  ; Get cursor shape and position frpm VGA card

; Tame v5.0 - TameDOS System Configuration for the XYWrite editor

/AutoAdapt off	; Disable adaptive performance settings

/Boost Cancel=100 ; This can reduce CPU if the app polls at a high rate only while idle

;; Add menu item to automate set up of color maps
/include AppOptions="TextStylesMenu"

; Tame v5.0 - Keyboard processing opions

/KeyGroupDef DefaultChannel = Hardware
;* BIOS option enables the most effficient and smoother key repeats
/KeyGroupDef GroupName=LeftRight1 RepeatChannel=Bios
/KeyGroupDef GroupName=UpDown1  RepeatChannel=Bios
; Tame v5.1 - Fast clipboard acccess using file I/O

/System	ClipboardFileEnable=T

;; When enabled, the clipbard may be accessed using the following files:
;; %TameFilePaste%   - Read the clipboard (paste)
;; %TameFileCopy%   - Write to the cllipboard (Copy)
;; %TameFileClipboard% - This file supports both read and write
;; Note: The read/write file is not compatible with some applications. For compatible
;;    apps, the dual mode may be used to load, edit and save without changing
;;    the file name.  This is the primary use for the dual mode file. The separate
;;    read and write clipboard files are recommended for most other situations.
;; An additional file name may be specified. 
;; This is useful if you need to manually enter the file name.

; /System ClipboardFileName=cb.txt

;; With this value:
;;   You may read RCB.TXT, write WCB.TXT.
;;   CB.TXT may be used for both read and write.


  KeyProcessOpt = +#0000_0080
           -#1000_0000 ; Optionally ignore repeated shift/ctl/alt
;*  LayoutStartupScan=on  ; Use this if you do not want layout changed after startup
;*	LayoutAutoScan=on
	; BIOS will try to change to 80x25 - but XY ignores that - so can Tame,..
;*	LayoutIgnoreBIOS=on
	DosMouseFilter = #77777700
	MinRows = 12	
	MinCols = 40	; Set limits on screen resize

;-- Std drivers limited to 150 cols, 67 rows

	MaxCols = 150 ; XY seems to truncate at 150 columns and 67 rows
	MaxRows = 67	;

;;Lines added for delete repeat:
/KeyGroupDef GroupName = Custom1
   RepeatChannel=BIOS RepeatRate=25
   IncludeScan=#53   ;** DEl   ...