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Re: XY Full Screen in XP

Fred Weiner wrote:
I would like to run XY4 in Windows XP full screen––and by that I mean XyWrite taking up the entire screen without title bar, just as it ran in DOS in the old days. No amount of tinkering with the PIF preferences has enabled me to escape windowed view including, of course, checking the 'full screen' rather than the 'window' box, and various settings and re-settings of the height and width and font sections. I understand from

Again, I cannot say anything about Mac or VMWare, but in plain XP
you _HAVE_ to do things in the proper order. And that involves
closing down Xy every single ruddy time you change the SL
setting, and restarting it. While Xy is up and running, whatever
SL setting is loaded (i.e. was in settings.dfl when you started
or has been changed by a default sl=NN from the CommandLine) will
override any attempted changes to the Screen Height Properties
setting on the Layout tab of the titlebar properties page. (At least, that's the way I interpret the empirical evidence; I could be wrong.) That is one reason why changes there don't seem to "stick." Other reasons are that the values you have entered are illegal for that BIOS (but you won't find out for sure until you've made sure Xy's SL matches, shut down Xy, and relaunched it) or that your selected font is too big to permit that length (as Carl pointed out the other day).

Now something interesting I discovered: on 9x, IIRC, if you were
running a DOS app called by a shortcut and hit ALT-Enter, the
next time you opened that shortcut, it opened in full-screen. Not
so in XP Home: you have to check Full screen, under Usage, on the
Screen tab of the pif properties page.

Fred, can you get a plain DOS (command.com or cmd.exe) screen
running in full screen? Create a shortcut to either, hit
Alt-Enter. Does it go full screen? If not, VMWare may be
inhibiting it. If it does, hit ALt-Enter again to go back to
windowed mode, and play with the titlebar properties screen
lengths. Without Xy running, you won't have it overriding your
choices, so you should be able to see what values are legal.
On the other hand, do those values have any relevance to full-screen sessions? I never run full screen (except when trying to get evidence for someone else's question), so I've no experience.
Report on that, and we can proceed from what we learn.
a technique for changing the height and width settings of the PIF incrementally with corresponding changes made to the df sl; I could not get any changes to stick using that technique either.

What do you mean, you could not get the changes to stick? They
must have or you wouldn't have a larger screen.

PS. Could you possibly send your screen shots as jpgs? Not all of
us have broadband, and a tiff takes almost 10 minutes to download
Patricia M. Godfrey