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  I posted some of the programs I use for managing text I import to XyWrite in
INDENT.ARC and XYQUEST.ARC. INDENT includes XyWrite III Plus (compatible with
ver. 3.51, possibly earlier) programs or macros to remove CRs within paragraphs
and extra blank lines, deletes lone LFs, converts lone CRs to CR/LF pairs and
respects use of leading spaces or strings of separators such as --- to mark
paragraphs/newlines (if preceded/followed by at least one CR). INDENT adds a
space to start of each line in a block of text defined at run-time, which is a
way to preserve formatting in sections in a file to be processed with TEXT.PGM.
XYQUEST.ARC includes a Procomm Plus script for use with this BBS, which
automatically opens a log file using current date as part of the filename. It
also has a XyW program to process those logs that does everything TEXT.PGM
does, deletes the mini-menus and download instructions shown by this system,
and formats message headers neatly.
  As in most programs of this sort, my choices may seem idiosyncratic, but
perhaps you will find these programs can be altered to fit your own tastes. --
Jim Franklin