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Re: Xy4 problem

** Reply to note from Phil Smith  Sun, 18 May 1997 08:49:42 -0400 (EDT)

Three thoughts:

1) What's the value of VAriable MW? Try setting it to zero.

2) In Xy4, but not Xy3+, an empty window (or that portion of a window which
displays empty space after the last line of a file) contains Ascii-0 characters
(nulls) in screen column zero. You don't see them because they are 'empty' (look
just like a space character). But they are really Ascii-0's. A few
installations (like mine) load screen fonts that turn on some pixels
(for example, I display a tiny word "NUL" for Ascii-0, and a tiny "255"
for Ascii-255) in order to distinguish them from spaces (it's extremely
revealing of the designer's intentions and techniques). In your case, maybe
somehow an "a" is being substituted for the ordinary nul? You say this occurs
when you "fire up" Xy4 -- but does it persist after you call a file? If not,
that's certainly what the "problem" is. One way to test this hypothesis is to
insert a three-byte Ascii-0 into text (Ctrl-Alt-keypad 0 in the factory
keyboard), and see how it displays... Is it an "a"?

3) Xy4 v4.011 is buggy. Replace with v4.017.

> I am running Xy4, version 4.011 (when I am not running Xy3+, which I much
> prefer). When I fire up Xy4 I get a screen with the letter 'a' down the entire
> left margin. It doesn't interfere with anything but my own view of the screen,
> but it is a nuisance.

> I assume I am failing to set something in the STARTUP.INT file, but what?

Robert Holmgren