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Re: Automatic file replacement in XYwin

Dear Carl

I've searched for r,e,c but found nothing. There is no redlining involved either. I have called
the kbd file and run cite 2,. as you suggested. The result is below (there are a few crotchets --
or is it quavers -- missing).

5554| FX,`42=;43=#43=NOXHJM(,2,.,P,r,s,C,M,l,i,n,e,)44=z45=x
5787| 65=XH,JM,(,S,p,e,l,l,)65=JM,(,2,.,s,p,l,p,r,e,p,),BX,(,s,p,e,l,l,
5914| 74=R4,R5,NO75=CL76=NOXHJM(,2,.,P,r,s,C,M,l,i,n,e,);76=7

I can't see anything here that could be causing my problem but perhaps you could confirm that for



On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 22:03:04 +0000, cld@xxxxxxxx wrote:
It's possible that Paul has RECA assigned to a key (SEarch for "r,e,c,").  It's also possible he has a key that launches another U2 routine that, in turn, calls RECA.  Quite a few U2 frames call RECA as a subroutine.  You can identify any U2 frames mapped to keys by CAlling the KBD file and then issuing CITE 2,..