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Re: Ansified XyWrite in full screen mode and CLIP

At 08:05 PM 6/8/2007, Robert Holmgren wrote:
What configuration do you use (TAM file etc) with v5.1?
Pre7, which I can send you off list. I have tested Pre8+Pre9 also.
Truth is you trade one set of anomalies for another. Pre7, in that
skein, has the fewest -- most annoying is a sticking cursor in the
thesaurus, which I'd never liked anyway and now have abandoned (FYI
your OED package for me made the thesaurus moot.)
 I have
not been paying attention to Tame threads... Out of the box,
Tame seems to impose it's own fonts and appearances. Do you
know how to suppress that pseudo-fullscreen thing? It blocks
true fullscreen, and you have to right-click on the window's
toolbar (IIRC) and insist that you want a classic console
This change should stick after you make it, quit XY and return. If
not, take a look in \My Documents\Tame 5.1\SavedOptions\
_default.pif.view.tam for the line *FullScreenLocked=on* Might be set to *off.*
David needs to learn how to write proper documentation. He
simply doesn't give enough info about all the switches.
Long story short, took me many weeks of reading his *help* files and
playing with the settings in his .tam files to get it right. BTW, if
you do you Pre7, you may need the following in your \Tame
5.1\Settings\XYWrite.app.tam file (which should be there). If your
delete key movement seems either hyperfast or erratic, put this at
the end of the file (undocumented):

;Lines added for delete repeat:
/KeyGroupDef GroupName = Custom1
   RepeatChannel=BIOS RepeatRate=25
   IncludeScan=#53   ;** DEl   ...
And yes, his documentation needs an editor. He will, however, respond to repeated requests. He knows three of us are working with the program; I sent him a complete setup on CD; he's sent me settings and fixes (such as the one above) from time to time.
I'm happy to try anything you need tested. FYI I have TAME on a T41
and on a Dell XP PRO box running on an Intel A09 Bios. The T41 did
not like TAME 4.5. I could not get your CLIP to work with that
iteration. In 5.1 it worked fine. I have not tested his new 6.0,
which Maben tells me was posted yesterday.
Michael Norman