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Re: smart words

I am very surprised that the response to Kenny's missive has been so benign.
Basically he's saying that there will be no standalone wp from TTG, and we
can all go fry ice. And some of the "features" that have bedeviled us --
column tables, footnotes to name just two -- will not be addressed at all. So
we get a probably bloated piece of software (from an editing standpoint) with
some minor fixes. Big deal.

Can we just all agree, given the evidence so far, that XyWrite is dead, and
that the EMTs at TTG have gone home? Is there any reason to continue to hang
on every utterance from Kenny as if it were even potentially the truth?
 Let's get on with enhancing XyDos (and XyWin for those who can stomach the
GPFs) ourselves. Among us, we've made more improvements to the word
processing product through the back door (mostly XPL) than TTG will ever make
through the front.

As for the alleged SmartWords "schedule," I'm reminded of a saying of my
dad's: We grow too soon old and too late smart.
