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CD-ROM hasn't quite gotten to the point that it would be interesting
for me yet, but I'm sure the day will come. I do a lot of book research
but fortunately I live across the street from a university library, so
if I need to consult the OED or the encyclopedia it's just a five
minute walk. I do use some CD-ROM based databases, notably Medline and
Infotrak (general interest magazines), but naturally I want them
updated as often as possible, which only a library can afford. The
other problem is that once I get a reference from a database, the next
step is to go look it up--so there's no avoiding the fact that you have
to go to the library sooner or later. Someday I hope it'll be possible
to retrieve both abstracts and full text via computer, but right now
your choices are limited and what there is costs major bux. I retrieved
a few PC articles from PC-MAGNET on CompuServe when I was looking to
buy my new computer--the cost averaged $5 a pop, a little rich for day
to day use.
  The one miracle box I can see myself buying within the next couple
years is a 9600 bps modem. Trouble is, some of the places I dial into
are still crawling along at 1200 bps.
  The one thing that would really upset the applecart, hardware-wise,
is some must-have bit of software that requires an 80486 with 16 meg,
dual carbs and quadrophonic sound. But I think that day is still pretty
far away.