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Re: USB printing ??? & DOS2USB pgm

Has anyone out there had experience with www.dsbglobal.com which
offers software to enable a DOS printer to print to any Windows
printer? Presumably over a USB.
My XyWrite 3+ printed nicely to my old NEC Silentwriter via
LPT1. But I cannot get XyWrite to talk to my new HP Laserjet 1020
(which receives by a USB port only).
Yes, I am dazzled by the wealth of information and experience offered
by our XyWrite gurus. (I've followed the correspondence, and checked
the sites.) But you're way over my head for the most part. And I've
just gone through an ulcerogenic adaptation to a new computer
complete with driver conflicts which caused unrelated applications to
die, lock up, throw away email, etc. So, I'm not very venturesome at
the moment. But I'm down to the world's last known surviving toner
cartridge for the NEC. With 23 years of database laid down in
XyWrite, I'd like to be able to get to the stuff, and print it out,
should the need arise.
I have Postscript and HP Printer Tables from XyQuest going back to
the 1980s, and they worked fine with the old NEC. (I had to 'Load"
the table for the character style I wanted.) But the tables were
concocted long before USB was invented. Are there some lines of code
I could apply in those tables to tell the computer to look for a USB
port? I tried to work that out with Printer Set-up in Control Panel,
but it didn't work.
Thanks for the interest. Do tell me about your experience with
www.dsbglobal.com .


At 12:47 AM 4/2/2007, Carl Distefano wrote:
Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Mon, 02 Apr
2007 00:00:09 -0400

> Try renaming SETTINGS.DFL to SETTINGS.SAV (or whatever) and
> importing the PRN file from Xy3 into your Xy4 folder, and
> temporarily renaming that file SETTINGS.DFL.

It won't work. Xy3 printer files don't work in Xy4. Renaming the
file to "SETTINGS.DFL" won't fool Editor.

Using a BJ130 printer driver to run a different printer (MP460) is a
kludge. That it worked in Xy3 was sheer luck, but it's hardly
surprising that the luck didn't hold up in Xy4. After all,
BJ130.PRN is not an MP460 printer file.

The lack of XyWrite printer files for newer printers is a problem,
but one that can be surmounted. The Jumbo U2's TYP routine
overcomes it nicely by linking Xy4 to Ghostscript, a freely-
available Postscript interpreter. There is some setup required (and
of course you need to load U2), but it works beautifully. With U2
installed, command HELP TYP for instructions.

Carl Distefano