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Re: XY4.018 and counter


 I hope this works. If you look closely at the GRAPHICs mode
 rendering of this, the counter numbers in the text are super-
 scripted, while in the endnotes section, they are on the line.
 My question is: Why?, or how can I get the notes to superscript



b-gin [UNTITLED]
In a work whose publication almost went unnoticed at the time
 of its appearance in 1971, and that is almost never read tod
ay, the late American political philosopher and Episcopalian{032}
(Anglican) priest, Gerhart Niemeyer (1907-1997){<}MD+SU{>}{<}
C1{>}{<}MD-SU{>}, while teaching at Notre Dame in the 1960s,{032}
wrote the following about {<}MD+IT{>}ideology{<}MD-IT{>}: [cr
|lf][cr|lf]{<}IP3TW,3TW,3TW{>}The term "ideological" refers t
o the subordination of contemplative theory [{<}MD+IT{>}theor
ia{<}MD-IT{>}] to the {<}MDIT{>}libido dominandi{<}MDNM{>}, w
hich manifests itself in the building of closed systems aroun
d dogmatically will "positions," in reductionism of both scop
e and materials of analysis, and in the determination to subs
titute an intellectually fabricated "Second Reality" [See als
o Heimito von Doderer, {<}MD+IT{>}The Demons{<}MD-IT{>}] for{032}
the reality given to man.{<}MD+SU{>}{<}C1{>}{<}MD-SU{>} [cr|l
{046}FN /X{>}{<}RFA{<}MDNM{>}{<}LD {>}- {<}PN{>} -{<}LD {>}{>}{
}{<}MD-SU{>} Professor Niemeyer became a Roman Catholic towa
rds the end of his life. [cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}MD+SU{>}{<}C1{>}{<}
MD-SU{>} Gerhart Niemeyer, {<}MDIT{>}Between Nothingness and
 Paradise{<}MDNM{>}, (B{131}ton Rouge: Louisiana State Unive
rsity Press, 1971), p. 141f. [cr|lf][cr|lf]

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Robert Holmgren wrote:

> ** Reply to message from "M.W. Poirier"  on Sun, 21
> Dec 2003 09:39:00 -0400 (EDT)
> >  I create a text file and a notes file,
> >  and I use the incremental counter in both, and at the end when
> >  everything is pretty much finalised, I import the endnotes file
> >  into the text file. Could it be the coding asociated with the
> >  import that is causing the problem?
> I don't follow you. "the coding associated with the import"?? Give me a real
> sample -- some dummy text file, and some dummy endnotes -- as integrated after
> import. I am out of my depth here, I haven't used  in years and years. I
> want to see ALL the formatting (the fontname, counter code, etc).
> Have you poked around in XySearch? Anybody else understand what Maben is
> talking about, or have a pithy solution -- perhaps _the_ pithy solution?
> > Does superscripting show as superscripting in GRAPHIC view?
> It does on my machine -- but I haven't tried it with counter codes.
> -----------------------------
> Robert Holmgren
> holmgren@xxxxxxxx
> -----------------------------