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Re: XPL questions

>>JM 2.childframeQ2 . See that? SUb 01
puts the CMline (the *entire* CMline) into S/G 50, then childframe
operates on it.
Is there some reason why the first part is a subroutine? Does it have to
be, or would this be as good:
>JM 2.childframeQ2
 But it can also be a variant of 2) -- if the
argument that is passed to childframe is to be supplied by the user
at runtime. So, for example, you might have:
JM 2.GetCMinputQ2 ;*;
JM 2.reverseQ2 ;*; String in 50 is reversed and restuffed into 50

And people ask me what Xy can do that other wordprocessors can't!
--regnawsniB yrraH

Harry Binswanger