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XyWrite orphaned

TBaehr@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I am very surprised that the response to Kenny's missive has been so benign.

It does seem that we're looking for crumbs from someone else's table. I
gather that most of us really like XyWrite DOS or Win, but are
constantly running up against bugs. It appears that TTG is not willing
to fix the bugs --- and the major ones are few: columns, footnotes, file
size, cursor oddities...? --- nor are they willing to release the code
to someone who *is*.

Tim and others have done a wonderful job enhancing Xywrite from the
outside, as it were, but we have no way of fixing the "engine". I don't
know how these things work, but is there some way we could commit enough
resources to commission, via TTG, an ex-Xywrite-programmer to work
solely on bug fixes? Did *all* of the XyQuest programmers go over to

I just find it hard to believe that there is no economically feasible
way for a program as extraordinary, and as close to "perfection", as
XyDOS to be brought to *completion*. Most of us don't want more
features, more button, more glitz... We don't need an editor and/or
wordprocessor that thinks it's as desktop publisher, database front end,
or spreadsheet. For serious writers, XyWrite does just about everything
that needs to be done. And it does it with more speed, economy and good
sense than anything else on the market. Zounds! Just fix the G-D

Sorry. I'm a little pissed off... and sick at heart.  I've tried every
shareware editor I can download. I own the latest and greatest version
of WordPerfect and Word. WordPerfect is bloated and slow on anything
less than a 133 Pentium with 32 megs of memory (and then it's like Xy
DOS on an 8MgHz 286 with 1 meg of memory). Word is so inefficient as an
editor --- just try deleting to the end of a line or, worse yet, to the
*beginning* of the line, or reversing two words or paragraphs, or spell
checking a legal document filled with proper names --- that I don't even
keep it on my hard disk.

Perhaps TTG would be so kind as to give us some estimate of how much it
would cost to do a serious bug fix of XyDOS via a "third party"
programmer, so as not to take away from TTG's ongoing plans. Then we
could see whether there are enough of us willing to commit the necessary
dollars. Pleeeeease!
