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Re: TTG Marketing Woes

Peter Knupfer writes:

>TTG's marketing practices have been a consistent theme of discussion here,
>judging by the archives. Apparently it is a subject of concern to a number
>of subscribers,
>it is not
>surprising that they would turn to this little community as a kind of
pressure group to awaken TTG to the concerns of its customers.

Actually, the list seems sometimes to serve as a vent for angst over
whether that peerless program will survive in the harsh marketplace of
the capricious computer industry. Makes the ventor feel better, but
everyone else worse. Those who can't stand to read such vents can just
hit delete; when enough list subscribers get fed up, persistent
ventors get scolded, and the balance of the universe is restored. That
Ken Frank should get peevish in public is surprising (he's been so
frank and reasonable in his longer postings), but apparently even he
can be goaded by cranky customers.

Surprisingly, Nota Bene, which has *never* participated on the
corresponding list, has upstaged TTG and (will miracles never cease)
set up a web page for communicating with its customers. If Manhattan
leads, can Baltimore be far behind?

Dorothy Day, Indiana University SLIS