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First of all, I must respond to your very last comment: No matter where you go,
there you are. Very strange: just yesterday I bought a button with that on it.
Tell me, were you in Cambridge, MA yesterday, looking over my shoulder??

You can eliminate the printer coding in TYF if you unload the printer file
before the TYF command. The easiest way to do this is to type LP on the command
line. LP without a filename unloads the printer file. Or you can do UNLOAD 7f
to unload the file associated with module #7 (Printing) on the memory
management menu (CTRL-M).

You can get the current values of keyboard sgts to appear by typing @X at the
beginning of the underline area. Only works for keyboard sgts.

When you make changes to a Help file (such as alacarte.mnu), the FIRST time you
load it after that it takes a while to load, because XyWrite has to rebuild the
index. But the second and subsequent times it should load very quickly. So if
you are editing, saving, loading, editing, saving, loading, it does take a long
time each time. But try loading a second time: you'll see it's very quick. And
of course, this is how it will be for users in day-to-day operation.

The index, BTW, is how XyWrite finds the frames the user asks for. The whole
Help file is not loaded into memory (otherwise, you wouldn't have any left!).
Instead, Xy compiles an index of "pointers" to each frame, so it can find them
quickly on disk. Everytime you modify the Help file, Xy must rebuild the index.
The index gets tacked on to the end of the Help file, and is not editable.
