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People interested in computer files in exotic languages might want to read the
review of Unitype, which makes Unicode extensions available within WPWin and
WordWin, in PC Mag 94.10.25, p. 42. It is more complex than it needs to be at
this stage, and is not yet usable for any East Asian script but Korean Hangul,
but that is clearly a matter of time.

The point is that once Chinese and Japanese are available, along with a wider
choice of word processors, any proprietary format for these languages will be
hopelessly obsolete. At that point users of TwinBridge etc. will be forced to
convert their files--hardly a simpler matter--or keep using a word processor
that will eventually be years old and not upgradable. Not that that's bad, but
few people will choose it.

-- Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-3325