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Re: Cross check program

By default it means 40 consecutive characters the same. (not sure if it counts a carriage return as 1 or 2). But, like all things Xy, you can change that default. That number is set by the MA= setting.

David Auerbach                           auerbach@xxxxxxxx
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Raleigh, NC 27695-8103

On Aug 2, 2010, at 10:09 AM, James Woolley wrote:

> Regarding the FM function, can anyone tell me exactly what it recognizes as a match?
> Identifying the next difference is fairly straightforward, but identifying the next match requires some definition of the term "match," I believe.
> Thanks.
> James Woolley
> At 06:02 AM 02.08.2010, Harry Binswanger wrote:
>> Just a more visually helpful use of FD and FM.