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Re: Windows XP?

Robert Holmgren wrote:
> What exactly doesn't work in SWEEP?


I'm copying out here what seem to be the relevant parts of
my correspondence with Carl, who at one point said he was
"getting erratic results" himself:

> CARL: SWEEP se d:\path\*.*"search_term"
> When you choose to open a file, you're left, rather
> unhelpfully, at the top of the file, not at the last
> found instance of the search_term.

JUDITH: Not for me. The command lands me right on the search
term in each open file, but opens only the files in the
directory, not the subdirectories.

> SWEEP JM2.se[sv50,d:\path\*.*"search_term"]Q2

> JUDITH: Again, this works only in the directory but not the subdirectories, and also opens only one file, not all the relevant files in the directory.


> CARL: A d:\path is inappropriate because SWEEP is > designed to perform the specified operation in a
> pre-defined set of directories (current dir and all > subdirs). So you only need a filemask, like this:
> SWEEP se *.*"search_term"

JUDITH: I had suspected this, so I experimented with it last
night. It gave me a blank page (I'm working in an empty
screen on this), but when I tried to type *any* letter on
the cml, I got a message to "hit c to continue," so
Alice-like I did and got a directory of all the files the
search term could have been in. Had to keep hitting c to
land on each one to get rid of the directory. The result was
replicable last night, but this evening by following the hit
c direction I got directory after directory after directory
of files, 99.9% of which could not possibly have contained
the search term. Again, I had to keep hitting c to land on
each one before I could get rid of the thing and start using
the computer again.

> CARL: SWEEP JM2.se[sv50,*.*"search_term"]Q2
JUDITH: Last night and this evening, I could see on the
status line that a furious search through a lot files was
going on, but the search found zilch. At the end, all I got
was the word "done.'

Robert, I just replicated all of this a few moments ago.

> Maybe it could use a complete redesign, huh?
I don't know enough to know the answer to that, but you
already knew that.

And you were right about the CH glitch: it happened while
trying to get rid of carriage returns in html documents
deltagged into xy.

> Re: CH*, yeah it FROZE -- and it froze because of a carriage return in the
> change spec. Well, it won't freeze anymore. To bandaid it now -- and just for
> you and Jimmy Whale -- you can do this:
> SEarch in U2 for frame {{5encode}}
> Look in S/G 01 for a RED carriage return.
> DeFine that one character -- just the RED carriage return, nothing else
> SEarch for {{5ch*,ci*,cv*,se*}}, down in the mudflats near the end of file
> Look in the red "Begin" section for a long string of red chars (in S/G 16)
> CoPy (insert) the red carriage return into this string, after the red "S" and
> before the red "-" dash (or minus sign, whatever)
> Release DeFine
> Go down about 5 lines past the red "End" label, to where it says:
> BX  Q2 DO FF 
> DeFine the "DO FF ", and MoVe those 2 functions in front of the BX , like this:
> DO FF BX  Q2 
> On CMline, command "loadhelp"
> You're done.
Will do as soon as I get a sane moment, and James (I call
him James) and I both thank you.

> Ian McKellan's incredible Whale biopic, what's it > called?

Gods and Monsters

> If you like river pics, catch Night of the Hunter. An astonishing directorial
> debut for Laughton.

Will try, but is the score by Jerome Kern?

> Plus he and Agee wrote the screenplay with
> XyWrite -- just to keep on topic -- 25 years before it was invented!

All the greats did, and you can see the results. Homer used
Xydos, and Virgil used Word, and what better argument could
anyone make?

Anyway, it's been fun but now I have to go earn some more

Judith Davidsen