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Re: File that won't print to the end

Paul Breeze wrote:

> So, I imagine that there is
> something astray in the file itself. When you talk of Hex 1A amidships or errant and extra Ascii
> 12s, what am I looking for and how do I identity them?

I don't know if Xy's Expanded View would be sufficient -- for the Ascii-12, it should be. A lot of
DOS programs and util.s simply treated one of these as meaning (immediate) End of Page | Eject the
page, whether it actually was the end or not. (I recognize that this was not exactly your problem.)
This is basic stuff, so I _should_ recall it better than I do (like a lot of things . . . ), but I
just don't remember if Xy was primed to react that way. I mean, Xy used its own ≪PG≫ code for
that. Normally what I would do in this case is to examine the file in ZTree's dual Hex | Ascii
which is going to show you everything. O.K., I just did a minimal test file:

 and blah


and I see two CR/LF pairs following the chevroned PG. Is that the equivalent of the Ascii-12, or is
the PG uniquely interpreted by Xy ? Anyway, I think you said that your results indicate the
is confined to printing from Xy. That limits the possibilities right there.

Tell you what -- if the file in question contains nothing of a confidential nature, why not send it
one or more of us, to run our own scan of it and print test. I must confess to being middling at
when it comes to parsing Xy printer files. (Of course, the printer is apt to be different, so
one inconstant variable . . . . ) I'd volunteer for this, but will be away shortly.
