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Re: Automatic file replacement in XYwin

From: "Patricia M. Godfrey" 
> There is also a function in U2's Common Resources that aborts the
> current version and recalls the one on disk. That sounds like what's
> happening, but can a common resource be saved, by itself, to a key?

Sure it can. "Common resource" is simply a heading that we use to group together routines
that are likely to be useful as subroutines in other XPL programs (ours or yours). In essence,
they're no different from any other U2 frame; they can be launched from the CMline, assigned to a
key, or called as subroutines by other XPL programs. Frame RECALL, usually shortened to RECA, can
be assigned to a key with nn=NOJM(,2,.,r,e,c,a,).

It's possible that Paul has RECA assigned to a key (SEarch for "r,e,c,"). It's also possible he has a key that launches another U2 routine that, in turn, calls RECA. Quite a few U2 frames call RECA as a subroutine. You can identify any U2 frames mapped to keys by CAlling the KBD file and then issuing CITE 2,..

The only other possibility that occurs to me is the native command CE, which clears edits from a
redlined document. I assume, however, that if redlining were involved, Paul would have said so.

Carl Distefano