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Re: Microjustification Settings

Robert, we can't control the spacing when a Windows driver is loaded, via the
use of the SC & SF controls, however I did some testing with a LaserJet 4
driver and was able to effect a change in the spacing... although not
dramatically... the FO.TMP files manifested the differences. I also compared
the FO.TMP from XyWin with the FO.TMP from XY4... no difference (assuming your
XyWrite defaults are consistent).

It would seem to me though, you would want to use Whole Space (WS=1)
justification. This involves placing the WS1 command as well as the JU command
in your document (or set as defaults). We place microspaces only between words,
not between characters (and words).

Let me know if we're on the same wavelength here..

Regards, Jim jefferson