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RE: memory and pers.spl

** Reply to note from George Buschman Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:25:53 -0500

> In XyWrite III Plus [the memory limit for personal spellers] was approximately
> 50K, then in Signature (and XyWrite 4.0) the memory allocation for the personal
> dictionaries was decreased to about 10-12K.

Nonsense. Under Xy3 the limit for _all_ types of "memorized" files, combined,
was 65K. Under Xy4, the limit for any single type of LOAD file,
e.g. ";SP;" or ";U2;" (but see comment below on Help files), is 65K. My
file is presently 24K -- all words or pairs of words, no comments. Under Xy4DOS
v4.017 it works perfectly, top to bottom. I just now raised it to 46K. Still going
strong, top to bottom (by which I mean, mispellings of words, mostly wierd Dutch
and Swedish names, that appear at both the beginning and the end of PERS.SPL, are
flagged and appropriate corrections suggested). Raised it again to 65K and it
still works.

In the case of Help files such as U2, the 65K limit pertains to the index of that
file, compiled at load-time, which is appended to the file (after the Ascii-26).
This is the only part of a Help file that is "memorized". And since each routine
in the Help file only consumes about 30 bytes of the index, the actual Help
files can be enormous in size.

Robert Holmgren