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RE: Xy4 Setup

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:30:16 +0900 (JST)

>>Change the second element of VAriable KS
> Uh... sorry, I am not a power user. How would I do that?

This is not "power user" stuff; this is stuff everybody needs to grasp in some
measure. You have a SETTINGS.DFL, don't you? CALL it and SEarch for VAriable KS.
Have manuals? Look at CG p.26 ("DF KS"). Play with it. Alter the values in
real time on the CMline with "d ks=repeat_rate,delay_rate". Look at the
examples in the book! Start out with "d ks=0,0", which is greased lightning; then
raise the second value until it's comfortable. Preserve that setting in
>>Set VAriable ZC=1 (preserve case)

> Sorry, that one I did try (I asked about this earlier on the list),
> and it dos NOT work. XY4 simply has a different way of dealing
> with caps than XY3.

Originally, you said:

> it has a funny way to
> interpret my SPL files (in XY3, I correct typical typing mistakes
> like "SIe" to "Sie", leaving the correct "sie" untouched. XY4 changes
> *all* instances to "Sie", making it necessary for me to take those
> corrections out of the spl file)

What you're actually doing isn't too clear to me; but as a test, I put "sie" in my
personal SPL file (I assume that's what you're doing, you say "interpret my SPL
files"). Then I spell-checked (command "spell") the following sentence:

"This is a test of sie and Sie and SIe and SIE and so forth."

I did so first with U.S. English PCLEX, then with U.S. English Microlytics, then
German Microlytics, finally with German PCLEX. My personal SPL file was loaded in
for the English tests (unnecessary, obviously, for the German tests). ZC=1.

All four dictionaries stopped _only_ on "SIe", which is clearly an error requiring
manual intervention because impossible to interpret. All three other
spellings were accepted without protest. That's the way it's always worked.

If that's not what you're talking about, then -- what are you talking about?

>>From "within" a file? What's an example of this? Are you talking about
>>running foreign files through a filter when they're already in a window?

> No, saving my own files as RTF for example.

Huh? I just "Saved As" my current file as RTF, without any hitch. Using the
menus, as I assume you are (from the "Save As" reference). Obviously, when you
Save As, you save to a different filename, not the same filename -- is that
what you're trying to do?

> I wasn't complaining. I was simply saying that it feels different,
> and with XY3 having become such a part of myself, I don't like
> things being different.

Then go back to Xy3. Things will be the same.

Robert Holmgren