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Re: High S/Gs

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sat, 04 Sep
2010 10:08:48 -0400


> >But you *can* >automate the separate RUN commands, of course.
> Here's a demo frame.
> Alas, I didn't fully understand it and couldn't get it to run
> here. But basically, I think you're getting each pgm to RUN the
> next, which I have been doing all along.

No, no, it's not the same! The RUN4 demo generates one (and only
one) RUN command; depending on how you edit the frame, it will
either eXeCute that command or simply put it on the CMline for you
to execute manually. The _next_ time you issue RUN4, it
puts *another* (lone) RUN command on the CMline -- the next one in
the numeric sequence. Try this version; it makes it clearer that the
frame is constructing only one RUN command. This version puts the
command on the CMline and EXits (does not eXeCute the command or
clear the CMline). As I said before, you can change the frame so
that it eXeCutes the command, but you still have to issue
RUN4 four (4) times to go through the whole sequence of
four (4) RUN commands! (This time I added code to zero out S/G 100
after it constructs|eXeCutes command #4, to save 1 byte of
"permanent" S/G memory.)

b-gin [UNTITLED]
X100,{<}PV100{>}+1{>}[BC_]run {<}PV100{>}.PGM;*; [XC_](option
al eXeCute)[cr|lf]{<}IF{<}PV100{>}>3{>}{<}SV100,{>}{<}EI{>}{0

> Now I have to ask something embarrassing in its revelation of
> my ignorance. Namely: why do I sometimes get a line like this
> from xywwweb.inf (here when I do HELP KILLMEM):
> {KillMem}!New «MDBO»H«MDNM» Kill unnecessary memory-hog
> Save/Gets
> I want to see the instructions for using KillMem but I can't
> get them.

That's a known bug in frame HELP. I'll see if I can iron it out over
the weekend. In the meantime, if you don't reach the full Help
screen on the first try, SEarch manually for further occurrences of
the keyword.

Carl Distefano