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XP/Vbox/Win 8.1

I still prefer XP Mode to Vbox. I hope it's still in Win8.

As Kari Eveli suggested, I work on the file in the virtual machine and then export it to Win7. 

So I write and edit the file  with XY4 in XP Mode, the virtual machine, in my C:\xy folder
within virtual XP.  Then when it needs to go to the outside universe, I send it to a different
folder with the same name: C:\xy in Win7. So yes, there are two copies of each file on my computer
but considering the size....

I have CTRL-C assigned to this in my .kbd file.


46=BXs,a,/,n,v, ,\,\,t,s,c,l,i,e,n,t,\,c,\,x,y,Q2

You could see if that same .kbd assignment (on any key you prefer) would work in VBox.

Jon Pareles

----- Original Message -----
From: FreeLists Mailing List Manager 
To: xywrite digest users 
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:09 AM
Subject: xywrite Digest V5 #131

xywrite Digest    Mon, 09 Dec 2013    Volume: 05  Issue: 131

In This Issue:
        Re: XP/Vbox/Win 8.1


Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2013 22:57:30 -0800 (PST)
From: J R FOX 
Subject: Re: XP/Vbox/Win 8.1

This sounds like a problem I mentioned previously re XP Mode in Win 7, where I could only see three
files when calling a Dir -- all of them files pertaining to the virtual machine itself, rather than
anything I actually wanted to find.  So far, I've not been able to get to the bottom of
this.  It does seem to render having gotten the VM functional rather moot. 
I'll have to confirm this the next time I get to work on that laptop, but I don't think the older
Windows programs I got working in this VM suffered from this problem.


> From: Bill Troop 
>To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2013 10:04 PM
>Subject: Re: XP/Vbox/Win 8.1
>I still have a mystifying problem with XyWrite: I can't get any directories to display on the VBOX shared drives (which I have given letters g: and h:). Xy4 will call up files on the shared drives if I issue ca _filename, happening to know the filename. But it simply won't display a directory. If I go into DOS from XyWrite, the directories display as normal. Anyone got any ideas? (. . . can't wait for Windows 9!) - - B


End of xywrite Digest V5 #131