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re .kbd clutter(e.g.windows xpl)

First: thanks, Nathan, for that valuable comparison!

Chet might need to rethink his keyboard and use one appropriate
to v4 (and read the documentation TTG *does* provide before
posting workarounds for nonexistent obstacles. ;) ) Eliminating
keyboard clutter takes some ingenuity. I use different .kbd files
for different purposes--one for programming, one for dtp, e.g.
While all are full, I can always find room for new goodies. I
just added html codes to my general-purpose .kbd. With Britt's
help, I got AR working just in time, and S1 assignments work
nicely with the function--but you all knew that.

My favorite trick is one-shot keys that run macros that do a
variety of functions, responding to command line arguments and
state--mainly, whether a file is open. My [Esc] key links to a
general escape macro that also serves as my STARTUP.INT. Besides
launching every session, it shuts every file opened--storing or
aborting--and does a dozen other oft-used routines during a
session, and finally shuts down the operation, recording certain
info for next startup. I'm posting below a much simpler xpl file
that also uses several switches and could be run from one key. My
STARTUP.INT loads it.

My physical keyboard is symmetrical, and one corresponding key on
each side is a windows navigation and configuration key, with AS
and NX in unshifted positions. All shifted and supershifted
positions on these keys are also dedicated to windows, but if I
run out of key positions for other routines
I'll simply run the macro from one position on one key, typing
the {pv00} manually.

I don't suppose most folks ever need all of xyWrite's nine
windows, but I split the screen, and need a third for utility
purposes. When I work on text, horizontal windows serve best, but
I file manage from vertical windows. I use any of a half dozen
configurations, depending on circumstances. These are the shapes
the .kbd entries produce:

BC,4,&w  BC,5,&w  BC,6,&w  BC,7,&w  BC,8,&w  BC,9,&w
+-----+-+ +-----+-+ +----+--+ +--+--+-+ +---+---+ +-------+
|   | | +-----| | +----| | | | | | |  |  | +-------+
+-----+-+ +-----+-+ +----+--+ +--+--+-+ +---+---+ +-------+

In my Escape xpl macro, 1 &W kills the current window; BC,2,&w
kills window
#2; and BC,3,&w overkiils windows #5-#2 in case I ever open that
many. Who knows whether the macro that does it, !S, will run in
v4. Nathan reports that xyWin has no SW function, so the SW c
(not important here) would be doomed.
Euroquotes are braces below (since they're also single-byte,
insignificant to xpl, and less likely to be confused with boolean
symbols than double gt and lt).   --annie

{if(@siz( {is00} ))<1} {ex1} {ei} BC es 1XC {if( {pv00} )<4}
{GLzap} {ei} {sv13,GT XC BC SW c} {sv86,XC BC window } BC p
{pv86} {lb

:9: ShR 2h } {if {pv00} >8} 1,0,0,80,11 {pv13} {pv86} {lb
} 2,0,11,80,22XC {GLx} :8:AltR 2v {ei} {if {pv00} >7}
1,0,0,39,22 {pv13} {pv86} {lb
} 2,40,0,80,22XC {GLx} :4: CtrlL2h+1v {ei} {if {pv00} <5}
3,50,0,80,22 {pv86} {lb
} 2,0,12,49,22 {pv86} 1,0,0,49,11 {GLxx} {ei} {sv13,,67,0,80,22}
:7: Ctrl R 1+dir} {if {pv00} >6} 2 {pv13} {pv86} 1,0,0,66,22XC #2
{GLx} :5:&:6: {ei} 3 {pv13} {pv86} 2, {if {pv00} >5} {lb
:6: Sh L 2h+dir } 0,12,66,22 {pv86} 1,0,0,66,11 {GLxx} :5: Alt L
2v+dir {ei} 33,0,33,22 {pv86} 1,0,0,32,22 {GLxx}

{LBzap} {sv86,BC abXC BC rsXC } {lb
:3: ShAlt Esc X5} {if {pv00} >2} #5 {pv86} #4 {pv86} #3 {pv86}
:2: ShAlt L X#2} {ei} {if {pv00} >1} #2 {pv86} #1 {GLf} :1:
Esc->Del X {ei} {pv86} {LBf} BC window ,0,0,80,22XC {GLx}

{LBxx} XC #3 GT {sx86, {va$ws} } {if( {pv86} )<1} {lb
} BC d lm=0XC BC dir XC BC ed TF LD LD {ei} #1 GT #2 {LBx} {lb
} BC es 0XC GT {sx86, {va$ws} } {if( {pv86} )<1} BC d lm=0XC {lb
} BC dir XC {GLed} {ei} {if( {pv86} )<2} BC sa GT {ex1}
{ei} {LBed} BC ed TF LD LD {ex1}

========================== annie fisher  nyc