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Re: Placing a macro in Xy 3.55 on the Pause key in Window 95

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Thu, 8 Apr 1999 09:41:32 -0400 (EDT)

> Sorry, but I don't understand. What is the ES command? And is this a test of
> the macro, a test to see what keys work or don't, or a test to find out?
> Before I spend a lot of time setting this up give me some idea what I'll
> accomplish by doing it.

> I did place the 1=ES and 90=BC,9,0 commands in a test keyboard, ran that
> test.kbd file, and pressed the key. In 3.11 my new computer is so fast that
> I'm not sure what happened. The screen jumped to that part of the test.kbd
> file where 90=BC,9,0 is, flashed a message up on the command line too quick
> to read, but that's all. Other than this nothing seemed wrong.

OK, sorry, ES (an EScape function in Xy4) is not acceptable, it doesn't exist in
Xy3. Forget what I wrote before. Do this: CAll your current KBD
file. Comment out, in each table, the "90=" line -- that means, put a semi-colon in
front of the ";90". Put a new line in that reads as follows:


Put that line in EACH of your tables -- even if there is no spec for key #90 in a
table. SAve the KBD file. Re-load it (LDKBD command). This shouldn't take "a lot
of time". Write it once, DeFine it, and CoPy it to

The _test_ determines whether your system recognizes the pause key or not,
in the various different shifting states available to you -- unshifted pause,
Shift-Pause, Ctrl-Pause, Alt-Pause, etc etc. If the key is recognized, then what
will happen is the command line will clear (func BC), and the numerals "90" will be
put on the CMline. If the key isn't recognized, nothing will happen. The speed of
your computer should make no difference. The error that's flashing by is probably
saying that ES isn't recognized (and it isn't loading your revised KBD file in

Ultimately, the purpose is to find out which
Pause key combination might be useable, so that you can assign your macro to it
-- right?

Robert Holmgren