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RE Error and correction beeps

I'm pretty sure now that it has nothing to do--directly--with opsyses.
The BEEPER.BAT file seems to correlate well with Xy's error beeping:
where it works, so does Xy, where it doesn't, neither does Xy. And I just
tried BEEPER.BAT on one of the office machines running 98 1st ed--same as
this old PC here (which used to beep, when it would run Xy at all from
within Windoesn't). The difference is that my old machine is one of the
last AT-form factor systems, the office one is ATX. ATX was more than
just a change in form factor (geek-speak for 'size and shape') or even in
the physical power connections. It was also a step in handing routines
that used to be BIOS-dependent over to Windows. ACPI marks yet a further
step along that route. What I need to check now is whether all ATX
machines inhibit DOS program beeping, or only those with sound cards. The
interesting exception is a Compaq in the office that is ATX, and has a
sound card, but has the neat feature enabled by which the sound card's
sounds are played through the built-in speaker. And that beeps loud and
clear in Xy.
	If this were not so absolutely essential to me, I should enjoy the
detective work involved in tracking this down.