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SWEEP command

Recently in response to a question in a different feed, Carl posted a SWEEP command
line the purpose of which I believed is to recursively search for /searchterm/
though a directory tree. I think this is the command line Carl posted:

SWEEP [SV50, *.*/searchterm/]JM(http://2.se)

I've tried it and in a blank window run it with a search term
I know is in a subdirectory. What happens is the display shows
progressive directories, as in a DIR command, with the cursor
rapidly traversing them, before the next screen, the next
subdirectory, until the command finishes with "DONE" at the
cursor. But nothing else. No search term seems to be identified.

Probably I'm not understanding what the command is designed to
do, or have copied it wrong. I'd appreciate some clarification . . .