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Re: Error and Correction beeps

In the new system, I checked Control Panel and set DING.WAV to be the
default sound. I also changed the power management to the older APM; the
exact specs are these:
APM vers. 1.2
C:\Windows\system\vpowerd.vxd	37K	4/23/99
C:\windows\system\power.drv	2K	4/23/99
Within Xy, I checked to make sure I did not somehow have error beep set
off, but VA/NV BI yields 0. The settings.dfl problem (which I fixed;
space instead of tabs in the PP table) was still yielding a beep, but not
spelling errors. Emery, could you please check your Power settings in
Control Panel and see how they compare? I see an option to Force APM 1.0
mode and am wondering if I should try that. How old is the hardware you
are running 98 2d ed on? This is absolutely maddening, because I have to
have those blasted beeps. No way can I look at the screen, the keyboard,
and my notes at the same time.