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RE: Off Topic: Seeking equivalent Mozilla feature

I see that you're right, Jordan, about mht not being quite PDF...more like PDF-lite.

Now I'm of two minds about this development...it's good that the content can change at the other end
of links (if it's "better" content), but not so good if the content "goes away"
(a much more likely scenario).

Thanks for the heads-up. I will no longer depend too much on this rather ephemeral format.


>> I'm pretty sure it's some sort of PDF

> ...these "web archive" files are not really all that archival (in the way that .PDF is),
> and are only good until such time as the links they contain go 404 on us, as they eventually will.

> Unless you have some way of converting the web document to PDF.

Converting web pages to PDF is not difficult. There are plenty of freeware apps that'll do it. The
problem is that web pages are generally not formatted as 8 1/2 x 11 (or much of anything that
conforms to non-web conventions), and PDF conversion will break a continuous page into print-sized
pieces...well, the page-breaks can be very "unsatisfactory". Ugly breaks in the middle of
paragraphs (sometimes parts disappear), breaks in the middle of graphics (more than annoying), and
breaks in the middle of wrapped links (gives literal meaning to "break"). Tools that will
fix or prevent these problems are WAY too expensive for the casual user.

-Brian H.