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dosbox v. dosemu

>From: "Raphael Tennenbaum" 
>I've been intrigued by Bob and Jeff's forays into Dosemu and Dosbox. Though
>it's supposed to be easy, Dosemu never was for me, while Dosbox worked out of the
>box. so I'm curious -- though I went through the message archives pretty
>carefully, I may have missed something -- why use Dosemu, if Dosbox was
>working okay? (printing? system resources?)

An excellent question which I would love answered as well. My experience so far with Dosbox and
Dosemu mirrors yours. Dosbox was quite easy to get running, and works great. It doesn't have printer
support, but other than that it works.

My effort to run Dosemu, however, has been a struggle. I know I could eventually get it going, but
no one has told me why. I know that Jeff Seager switched from Dosbox to Dosemu. I'd be very
interested in finding out why. What were Dosemu's advantages over Dosbox?

>but the maturity of 10.2 (YAST's
>package management actually works) and the slickness of the version of KDE,
>and a growing familiarity with Linux, are enough to give me confidence I could
>move over in less than a few days' time.

As I mentioned in an earlier email, my move to Linux took place about a month ago. There are still
gaps, such as the fact that I haven't yet gotten my scanner to work, but overall the experience has
been a pleasure. Somehow, Linux seems better suited to keyboard Xywrite geeks like me.

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