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Re: CAlling a Binary File

Reply to note from [myself] Wed, 13 Feb 2013 01:04:34 -0500
Save it to disk (Ctrl-S), in a directory that's accessible to
XyWrite. Then, CAll (or CAll/100) CLD-XPL.TXT in XyWrite and
proceed with XYDEC, etc. It should work.
Actually, you'll probably need to do one thing after CAlling the file
but before decoding. If the line endings in the file are 1-byte
Ascii-10s (Unix standard), you'll have to regularize them to the
Windows/DOS standard Carriage return + Line feed (CrLf). The native
XyWrite command to do so is:


Or, with U2 loaded, issue FROM102CR.
SAve the file, then issue XYDEC to decode the first routine in the file (CAB).

Carl Distefano