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Non-US keyboard layouts for vDosXy

As you know, vDosXy (unlike plain vDos) is hard-coded to use the US keyboard layout on the vDos command line. This can be corrected, but it must be done separately for each national language.

To begin, here is program that remaps the vDosXY command line to a German keyboard (dead keys are
NOT supported, however):


The zip file includes the assembler source code. Even for a beginner programmer, it should be a
trivial job to change the source code so that it works for a different language from German. I think
it may also be possible to modify it to use dead keys, though that would be quite a bit more
complicated (push the dead-key code into a memory address, then test the next keycode and decide
which character to send to the keyboard buffer).

Again, this will require someone willing to take the time to modify the source code differently for
each language.