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Re: SWEEP WORKS! searching subdirectories

** Reply to message from Judith Davidsen  on Sat, 20
Jul 2002 17:37:30 -0400

> Now...is there a shorter command that can be used?

Hmmmm. Not really. The reason there is a lot of arcane code on the CMline is
that you are executing, via SWEEP, a U2 command -- and to get it to do that, we
have to filter the command through another frame called XMACRO, which has a
method of rewriting XPL in plain-text form -- I've never felt real comfortable
with the XMACRO syntax myself, but it does make common sense when you study it,
only the unexpected commas (which signal a toggle from literals to 3-byte chars)
are a bit hard to grasp (with "implied toggles" where you don't need a comma,
and explicit toggles which do require a comma). Also, it occurs to me that a
SWEEP command like yours might seem more orderly and logical to you if expressed
and written thus:
"sweep JM2.se[SV50,*.*"search_$tring"],Q2". If you were executing a native
command, the SWEEP syntax would be somewhat simpler, just "sweep native_command
[arguments]". Carl's two helper frames may be what you need, or his
dedicated assigned key. Alternatively, pre-Stack something (in STARTUP.INT) so
that a fill-in-the-blanks template is always available to you (put this on a
line by itself; assumes you have Stack installed!):

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{<}SV627,{190}Msweep JM2.se[SV50,*.*||],Q2[CL_][CL_][CL_][CL_

Then you adjust the filemask *.* and the |search_$tring| to your liking (I have
dozens of pre-Stacked commands like this in my STARTUP.INT file).

Truly, there are many ways to skin this cat. (If skinning cats is your thing.)

Robert Holmgren