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CLIPW (Debugging, check list)

At 9/2/2004 14:37:24 PM -0400, Robert Holmgren wrote:
>Check: [List]
Herewith results/errors of from the CLIPW debugging check list, this to trouble-shoot a screen anomaly (second cursor) that appears when I run the routine. XY (on XP PRO in a VDM W/TAME) runs well in all other respects, including other U2 routines. (I checked all settings prior to running the checklist. Details at end of post.)
The items below that produced errors, or revealed settings I missed, are
marked "*****".

>MSVBVM60.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (file dated 2/23/04)
***** Had several copies of this file on the drive, including a copy in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32. I put one in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. All copies dated 8/4/2004. NB: There is also a copy of a different file -- MSVBVM50.DLL -- in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.

>*One* copy of XYWWWEB.REG on the machine (check every drive:

  ***** Fixed. Deleted extra.

>*One* line only with an "EXE_or_VBS=" spec in REG
>Set "EXE_or_VBS=E" (then *SAve* REG!)

  Okay. Set to "E".

>CLIP.EXE in the *same dir* as Editor


>CLIP.TXT, if exists, has no ATTRIButes (Hidden, Read-Only, etc.)
>(command "ATTRIB CLIP.TXT" in DOS)
***** CLIP.TXT is always created WITH the *archive* attribute set. (NB: as is, CLIPwc does not create CLIP.TXT; CLIPwp does. (Please see Step 3 below.)

>C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and Editor's dir are both in the PATH

  ***** Fixed. C:\Windows\System was NOT in PATH. Added it.

None of the FIXES above cured the anomaly. Continuing the checklist...
>Manual Debug of CLIP (stop at any point, and report, if error!):
>1. DeFine and Clip some text from XyWrite
>2. Open separate DOS window in Editor's dir
>3. At DOS prompt, command "TYPE CLIP.TXT" to see if it contains your clipping

  ***** I get [ERR-MSG] "The system cannot find the file specified."

>4. At DOS prompt, command "CLIP.EXE"
>5. At DOS prompt, hit Alt-spacebar-E-P to see if CLIP.EXE
>  successfully copied the text in CLIP.TXT to the system Clipboard
>  (it should be pasted to the DOS prompt)

 Copies text at DOS prompt.

>6. At DOS prompt, command "DEL CLIP.TXT"
>7. At DOS prompt, command "CLIP.EXE"
>8. At DOS prompt, command "TYPE CLIP.TXT" to see if CLIP.EXE pasted your

  Copies text at DOS prompt.

>9. Return to XyWrite and Paste some text into Xywrite

   ***** Pastes text (leaves second cursor at spot of insert).

Michael Norman
PS: (PRIOR to running down the check list, I disabled ALL settings in SETTINGS.DFL, a setting at a time, and ran CLIPW after each change; I started XY with factory-issue keyboard; I disabled the printer file; I ran REGEDIT/C on XYWWWEB.REG and it passed; all drivers are current.)