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Request for Information

Request for Information
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I'd like to identify all of the extant spelling wordlists formatted in
the 1) Microlytics and 2) Signature (a.k.a. IBM or PCLEX) SPELL systems
(together with separate thesauri in the case of Microlytics).

If you can amplify on any of the following, I'd appreciate a note from you,
either public or private. Please take 30 seconds to check for these
filename extensions in your XyWrite 3|4 or Signature (if you still have a
Sig installation) directories:

  dir *.SPL (Microlytics spellers)
  dir *.SYN (Microlytics thesauri)
  dir *.DIC (Signature spellers|thesauri)

and compare against the filenames|dates|sizes tabled below.

So far I have identified the following wordlists/thesauri. My basic
question is: Are there ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES or specialty dictionaries?
Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Indonesian?

DICT   SPL   110464   2-04-87  8:55am  (American speller)
DICT   SPL   141901  12-04-90  5:21pm  (British speller)
WFBG   SYN   325952   3-04-87  5:22pm  (American thesaurus)

Signature (PCLEX) (all files are spellers+thesauri)
DEUTSCH  DIC   2483712  11-11-91 12:55pm
FRANCAIS DIC   1132544   4-02-91 10:44am
UK    DIC   637440   8-13-91 12:07pm
US    DIC   654848   7-31-91  5:36pm
 Specialty PCLEX spellers (filenames unknown to me -- do YOU know?):
 ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
Computer terms

Thanks in advance for all help.

Robert Holmgren