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Re: Can anyone help me?

Leonard -
I'm a little rusty on III commands, but doesn't the ch command march through the file, displaying
each change on-screen as it scrolls the file?

If it does, then you may be better off with the ci command (it means "change invisible"
and it doesn't update the screen display). This means that each iteration of your ci command
automatically starts from wherever the cursor was (i.e., at the top).

Here's what you can try:
Open a COPY of your programme. Put it into expanded view.
Go to the beginning of the programme and put the TF function call in. Just once should do it.
Now type F5 ci "ch /"ci /"F9
  (Interpretation: you're going to the command line and typing ci "ch /"ci /" and
pressing the F9 (or execute) key. This is going to change all the ch's in your programme to ci's.
It's using the ci command, so your screen will not scroll as the change takes place.)
This will change your programme. The reason I used quote marks and not slashes as dividers is that
you're searching for a slash mark. (Any character can be used as a divider as long as it's not also
in the search argument.)
Save this file to a new name. Try running it on a COPY of one of your files. Check the results.

If things go as I expect, your programme will run and make the 100 or so changes, and the screen
will always display the top of the file without scrolling. But the changes will have been made.

Good luck.

Tim Baehr