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Re: XyWrite 4.018 on abandonware website

Martin J. Osborne wrote:
... which says "making it a favourite among typesetters who need to convert various formats to LaTeX". I thought I was the only person in the world who used it for that purpose. Are there really others?
That's something I should like to investigate. But the one time I tried to find LaTex for Windows, the site said something like "not available now. Try later." I have a mental block against DTP programs: they are too relentlessly ordered toward picture thinking. But I need to get vertical justification and page layout beyond what any one word processor can do (even Xy). If our public library ever gets around to offering broadband with CD-R capability (they've ben promising it "real soon now" for almost a year), I shall try again. (We don't have broadband at work either.)

Patricia M. Godfrey