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To All:

Intending to send a private message to Harry Binswanger, together with a
copy of STACKXYW.ZIP for Harry to test, I inadvertently posted it to the
entire list. And now STACKXYW.ZIP is in the FTP archive. So: cat's out
of the bag, I guess.

This version of Stack moves the whole operation into Help files, which is
where they belong, for all sorts of reasons -- memory conservation
prominently. But I recognize that for many people, Help is forbidding. My
reluctance to post this file in the first place stemmed from fear that it
would invite a host of queries. I'll try to help if you have installation
difficulties, so long as it doesn't become too time consuming. Feel free
to send a msg to me privately if you get into trouble -- but try to get Stack
running by yourself, first. If you follow the instructions, you should be


Robert Holmgren