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Re: Off-Topic -- Apparently intractable problem FIXED!

Bill Troop wrote:

> Now here's the good part. XP
> has a great feature, which you can disable if you're
> really self destructive, which simply lets you turn
> back the clock on the system. You can tell it to
> restore the system to where you were a few hours
> ago, or yesterday, or the day before, or last week,
> or last month, etc. etc. etc. This is a phenomenal
> feature for fixing sick systems. It does _not_ interfere
> with your data files. It really, really works, and for this
> feature alone, I would strongly recommend XP.

Heck! You don't need Windows XKE for that! Gateway bundles "goback" with
their rigs. I have one running Win98 that does the very same thing. And
a wonderful feature it is.

Leslie Bialler, Columbia University Press
61 W. 62 St, NYC 10023
212-459-0600 X7109 (phone) 212-459-3677 (fax)
> http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup