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Re: VDOS memory and screen length

Dear Carl
I have just checked the path and it is fine. Verified by removing it and then trying to launch editor.exe from another directory.
I use a 3:4 monitor, ie: in portrait mode. I have not played with the
fonts yet but the full screen version of VDOS is very attractive. If
only I could get this speller to work. PCLex does work, but I never
found that quite so attractive as the Microlytics dictionary.
One other question. I have been toying with CP1252 but when I implement
it, boxes and other features in XY4 turn into characters from non-UK
alphabets. Is there any fix for this or do I have to live with a row of
ÄÄÄÄs across the top of my screen? Boxes (eg MEM) are a mixture of the
same horizontally and other characters vertically. I have tried
changing all the drawing characters in settings.dfl to a space, which
helps but does not get rid of all the ÄÄÄÄs etc.

Best wishes


On 05/12/2014 22:55, Carl Distefano wrote:
One question occurs to me: Is Editor's directory in the path in
AUTOEXEC.TXT? I'm not sure that it will make a difference to the
speller, but the DOS Path should always include Editor's dir.

I'm very happy with 35 lines by 80 columns and the Nouveau1 screen
font. It looks pleasingly retro and in full-screen mode covers the
entire screen on my 4:3 monitor.